What We Are Thinking July 09 2013
Our Pictures For Living concept is based upon two core beliefs. We believe pictures of natural things and the natural world can be elegant and beautiful in a contemporary way. We also believe that living with our pictures at home or seeing them every day in a work place or public space will make us feel more tranquil. More at peace with ourselves. We’re pretty sure that if someone were to do a scientific study they would find true in fact what we believe intuitively.
Pictures For living is based, built, created, and driven by a belief that our connection with the natural world brings us back to who we are. We believe that as intoxicating as technology is, and as preoccupied as we have become with various forms of commercial entertainment, and just plain commercialism, that ultimately the natural environment is our true home and where we find the deepest peace and beauty in life.
The realization that natural beauty is inspiring and important is one we have come to personally. We didn’t always see it and we don’t expect everyone else to. But we are excited at the prospect of offering others the opportunity to see how living with pictures of natural things can influence them emotionally in a very good way.