Our Prints July 09 2013
While we do much more than make pictures, it will always be our pictures that are the heart of Pictures For Living. And the naturally beautiful creations we make pictures of will always provide the source of our motivation.
Bringing pictures of beautiful, natural things to people usually means printing them on paper and we put a great deal of love and care and skill into that. To begin with, it isn’t easy to make good pictures of natural things in a way we hope represents their beauty without trivializing them. It is also not easy to make prints that do justice to the creations of nature seen by us. We do this using digital technology of very high quality and using extremely fine paper. Our 100% cotton rag, mould made fine art paper without chemical brighteners and with a natural, mat finish will last one hundred years or more and can be passed on for generations before it begins to show its age. Even then our prints will likely continue to beautiful, just as all things are that age.