Nature As Art Form July 09 2013

Pictures For Living is committed to representing only creations of nature in our work. There are various reasons for this. We could, after all, not limit ourselves. Some people might like pictures of antique cars, etc.. But we have a plan and a goal and yes, a conviction. We are not just trying to sell a product. We are deeply invested in helping people believe in the beauty of our planet, our home. We are also invested in helping take care of this immense beauty and not take it for granted and consequently risk destroying it in the name of “economic development” or anything else. It is simply the most important thing, we believe.

The natural world, we believe, is the greatest creation of all in our known universe. It’s beauty is stunning. This beauty, we believe, is the basis and inspiration of our own creativity. The natural world, of which each and every one of us is a creation, is the original ART!